Community Action Group

The HTT Community Action Group was formed in September 2010 to help strengthen relationships within the local community in new and different ways.......

On this page you can find out about the The Beacon, Village Walks, Thurgoland Community Choir and our new Singing 4 Fun group.

Village Walks

Meet new friends and keep fit on our Village Walks!

These take place usually on the second Saturday of each month. Walks usually average around 4-6 miles.

The starting point is usually the Village Hall in Thurgoland at 10am

If you have any enquiries, ideas or feedback about our walks please contact Brenda (2838972) or send us an email

Community Cafe at the Beacon

Second Thursday each month

Holy Trinity Church

10am to 1pm

Beacon Meetings

Find these on the calendar, they are usually monthly on the second Thursday. There will be our usual homemade refreshments and opportunity to meet people and make new friends, as well as;

Craft activities

Knitting for charity (baby clothes and blankets for Africa)

Board games

Book stall

Quiet space= a place for reflecting, peace and prayer

Further enquiries or more information please contact Sue 0114 2888501 or send us an email

Singing for Fun at the Beacon

4th Thursday each month

10:30am in Holy Trinity Church

Do you enjoy Singing? Why not come along and join us

-sing your favourite songs

-meet new friends

- Dementia welcoming

-Lifts can be arranged

Contact Judith 01142830083 or Maggie 07876 450518

Left behind: older people and digitalisation

An important part of the Beacon's community services is to provide internet access and facilities for people who don't have computers or computer skills.

Quite often it is older people who are left behind as technology changes the way utility companies, local authorities and other organisations do business.

Providing some case studies from our experiences at the Beacon, we commissioned a report in April 2014 to identify some of the issues and consider potential solutions for digital exclusion.

As the Beacon develops its community services into the future we will draw on what we have learnt and the research from sources such as this report to help guide what we offer.

Contact us for a copy of the report. If you would like to provide comments, feedback or ask questions, please send us an email

Thurgoland Community Choir

Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm

at Crane Moor Methodist Chapel (S35 7AT)

For more information please see the Community Choir page on this website

This is a non auditioning choir singiing a range of musical genres bringing members of the local community together who enjoy singing in a social and friendly environment

As from March 2016 the new venue is Crane Moor Methodist Chapel

Do come along and join us.

For further enquiries about the choir please email


or Sue Heyes 0114 2888501

Thank you for visiting our page