
Thurgoland Thespians was founded in 1983 to produce pantomimes in the Village Hall and have done so on each year since with other occasional events

Since the beginning there have always been children and adults involved in the productions. Facilities are limited, funds are scarce, but the Village Pantomime is looked forward to and is well supported, both from within the village and from elsewhere. Producers, actors, singers, backstage crew- all come and go, but the backbone is still there with 'originals' staying the course. Pantomimes are pure tradition with slapstick, music, dance, men dressed as women, girls dressed as boys, and, most important of all, audience participation.

The group also presents comedies and farces from time to time and the latest was “Tom Dick and Harry” by Ray & Michael Cooney on June 23rd-25th 2011. The Performance was produced and directed by Nick Hibberd and was his first venture. The authors of the play kindly send a note of encouragement, which was included in the programme and the audience response was fantastic with comments like – “the best ever”-“I haven’t laughed so much in a long time”- “when are you doing another play?”. The whole cast gave everything they had with special mention being made of Terry Frank, who never left the stage for the whole performance.

Cast of Tom, Dick and Harry

The Pantomime last was “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” which even though it was called the 2011 Pantomime ran from 31st January until 4th February 2012. This was also produced and directed by Nick Hibberd and was its usual success

Pictures from Christmas Pantomime 2011

Please keep looking in the press and on the Village Calendar for more details.

Contact Details:

Contact Margaret Denton

Telephone 0114 288 5037
